The postpartum period
In the postpartum period your midwife will visit you at home a number of times during the first 8-10 days after the birth. Together with the maternity carer (kraamverzorgende) she will help to support you and your new family to have a good start in life.
The kraamverzorgende will perform daily medical checks and support you with feeding and caring for your new baby. If needed, the kraamverzorgende will contact your midwife with any concerns. This is why it is important to sign up with a kraamzorg organisation early in your pregnancy (see links at the bottom of this page).
Between the 4th and 8th day after the birth the midwife will do the heel prick test on your baby. Click here for more information about the heel prick test.
The hearing test will be carried out by the CJG between 1-3 weeks after the birth. You will receive an invitation for this by post. Click here for information about the hearing test.
Having a baby and having stress
A baby grows healthier without stress. If parents are relaxed, babies often are too. However, this is not always possible. In this film you will see that you are not alone if you are experiencing stress and some tips on what you can do.
Talk to your midwife, gynaecologist, kraamverzorgende or the baby clinic.
Or contact the Social Team
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